Series: Sculpture
Freaks, Geeks, and Strange Girls
A merging of fact, fiction, and art history, these intensely layered dioramas capture the One of Us figures at a specific moment in their narrative. A collective reading of the details of the character’s surroundings delivers a deeper understanding of their ultimate desires. Are they choosing to fade into the background or do they want to be visible?
One of Us
My current textile-based sculptural series, One of Us, is inspired by characters found in traditional carnival sideshows. This work explores unconventional bodies, how they present themselves, and how they are perceived. Embellished mythologies and the juxtaposition of authentic vs. counterfeit exaggerate or minimize the line between self and Other.
Flag Girls
Inspired by a 1918 photograph of girls at a Cooperstown, NY orphanage in the act of presenting a pageant. In the photo the girls wear individual sheath costumes that collectively depict the American flag. The Flag Girls series presents a pageant with a contemporary twist, commenting on the current political climate.

Favourite Ways With Pheasant (Monday - Sunday)
Part of the Will the Real Slim Shady Please Stand Up? series, but complex enough to merit it’s own category, Favourite Ways With Pheasant critically assesses how a culture wooed by the eroticization of consumption perverts the experience and construction of identity within ourselves and others.

Will The Real Slim Shady Please Stand Up?
A substantial community of small, socially critical, textile-based figurative sculptures that explore the slipperiness of identity. Under their playful, doll-like veneer the sculptures critique identity constructs and address themes of homogeneity and consumption in a Western consumer society. Intimate scale and intricate attention to detail invite viewers in close, where unconventional anatomy and dark narratives lurk.