
That’s right folks, it’s back.  The 30 Day No-video Challenge.

Starting tonight at midnight through to midnight Thursday, February 14th, I will not indulge in:

  • stupid videos of kittehs or puppehs on the laptop,
  • downloaded TV series (um…that is if I ever did such a thing as steal media),
  • Netflix extended lunch breaks, and
  • movies (including art documentaries, which I normally consider research).

The only videos allowable will be those I make myself as part of my practice.

My goals for 2011’s challenge were to revisit my vision statement, ignite my literary spark and finish some of the WIP’s from the Survival Games and Incomplete series that were loitering on my studio walls.  How did I fare?

Less well than I’d hoped.  I did rewrite my vision statement, though I wasn’t perfectly happy with it (and I’m still not, but I’m working on artist Lisa Call’s idea of being imperfectly remarkable).  I wasn’t successful in getting back on the writing horse in the way I’d wanted to, and I didn’t finish the Survival Games series as I’d hoped.  In my 2011 debrief I’d admitted to swapping my visual obsession for a reading obsession.

Knowing that I didn’t reach many of my goals the last time I tried this isn’t dampening my enthusiasm – I’m still keen to see if I can use more of my time toward achieving career related tasks, while spending less time on gratuitous entertainment.

What do I hope to accomplish this time by not being consumed by pap-media over the next 30 days?  I’d like to:

  • finish ingesting the two marketing resources that I purchased in November,
  • start research on licensing my imagery,
  • collect data for updating my website and make it accessible for my awesome web designer,
  • prep and mail out five proposal packages,
  • prep the images of my 2-D documentation,
  • update my inventory with thumbnails of new images, and
  • finish knitting the incomplete grey sock.

The list is long and most likely ambitious – I’ll be happy if I get half of it done over the next month.  Could I be setting myself up for an epic fail? OR…like paying down your mortgage faster by shelling out an extra $20.00 towards your principal each payment, could I be advancing my art career just that much quicker?

Today the glass is half full. 😉

Why don’t you commit to joining me in the challenge?  What would you like to accomplish by not succumbing to the idiot-box? 

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