Daily Muse

Fun With Forms

Conversation between me and the new RBC Optimum Points Card Representative in the hair product aisle of Shoppers Drug Mart.  He is updating my account information.
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Get Your Puppet Groove On

Not allowing yourself to watch movies and sundry T.V. shows encourages you to take advantage of other forms of entertainment.

Andrew and I just bought tickets to Up Your Puppet, an “adults only” puppet cabaret extravaganza happening next Thursday, January 31st.
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Sitter Stand-In

My friend Tzaddi is a gal who’s in the know.

She always has the most informative suggestions (I credit it to her being umbilically linked like a cyborg to her computer :-)).
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Sowing Seeds

Ah, yes.  It’s that time of year again.

Time for honing writing skills to a razor sharp edge and spending many an hour re-sizing documentation photos in post production.

In other words, ’tis time to prep the annual proposal mailout.
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NvC2 Progress Retort

One week into the 30-day No-video Challenge and I am feeling…challenged.

Thinking back on the last time I cut out the talkies I do remember it being difficult.

The second time around feels infinitely more difficult.
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Rich Little Poor Girl SATURDAY

In 2008 I divulged all my best secrets for frugal living.  Once I had shared every last one I “retired” Rich Little Poor Girl, with the promise to reinstate and reveal new tactics as they arose.

It’s been a long sabbatical for the RLPG, but she’s back with a tricky little tidbit that will not only help save you dollars, it will help save the environment, too.
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Serious Biz

I’m at the start of something really exciting.

I’m learning how to market my art biz.
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A Picture Is Worth A Thousand

For several years I documented my own artwork, and I did a pretty good job.


Not great.
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Every so often it is a good idea to schedule a break during production so that you can perform maintenance, especially if you have equipment or machinery that is getting consistent use.
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Double Exposure

Whew!  What a day.

Four and a half hours dedicated to documenting the recently completed Wolfville and Fredericton pieces.  Thankfully I wasn’t doing it by myself – I employed my resident photographer, Kenji Nagai (his studio is on the second floor of my building, so I feel entitled to call him “mine” 🙂 ).
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That’s right folks, it’s back.  The 30 Day No-video Challenge.
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Every one of us has times when we are feeling not quite up to snuff, that we’ve bitten off more than we can chew, or that we are careening towards an epic fail in our career or life.
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Today I convinced Andrew to join me on an art escapade – a field trip out to the Maple Ridge Art Gallery for the opening of Shari Pratt’s tasty paintings.
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Could You Be Any More Patronizing?

I love dance, theatre, music, spoken word – anything live and creative.  I used to make a point of attending the Fringe festival, Vancouver Opera, 20 Minutes Max, and so on.  I’m disappointed to report that 2012 contained very little culture that was not of my own making.
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Addition To The Family

SameDay delivered my artwork this afternoon.  I’ve just spent the last six hours unpacking, checking, and repacking artwork, so today’s post will be short and sweet.
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Tools Of The Trace

I’m not loyal to brands unless the product is outstanding.  As far as sketchbooks go, I don’t think you can do much better than a Canson Universal Recycled Sketchbook:
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Here Comes The Rain Again

I don’t know if it’s the downturn in the weather or the fact that most of the muscle groups in my body are screaming (brutal Yoga Fit class), but it’s been a rough weekend.
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Time To Get What You Aim For

Many of you will already know what I’m talking about when I say “accountability partner”.  For those of you who are unfamiliar with the term, an accountability partner is simply someone – or, in my case, sometwo 🙂 – who holds you accountable to the things you say you’re going to do, and vice versa.
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I Aim What I Aim

Being this is the beginning of a fledgling new year I thought it might be pertinent to publicly lay out my goals for 2013.  You could call them resolutions, though I prefer to think of them as intentions.
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Artventure: Fredericton, NB Part 6

I had an odd collection of cheeses, yogurt, red pepper, and fruit salad in my mini fridge that I wanted to eat up, so once again I left a note for Bonnie letting her know I would fend for myself regarding breakfast.

Saturday was incredible; sunny and unseasonably warm.  Halfway to the gallery I took off my jacket and walked joyfully in my t-shirt, arms bare to the October sun.
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Artventure: Fredericton, NB Part 5

I’d left a note for the B&B hostess, Bonnie, on Thursday night letting her know I would be “sleeping late” Friday morning and faring for breakfast myself.

I basked in the laziness of my morning.  After an intense week of set-up it felt good to have a less stressful day ahead of me.
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Artventure: Fredericton, NB Part 3

On Wednesday morning I decided which pieces would go on which plinths and started the involved process of plinth Tetris in the large central space of the gallery.
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Artventure: Fredericton, NB Part 2

9 o’clock Tuesday morning found me back at the gallery, smoothing out rough filler patches and applying a coat of paint to 13 plinths.

While the paint dried I busied myself hanging the wall pieces around the perimeter of the space.
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Artventure: Fredericton, NB Part 1

Five short weeks after being in Wolfville, NS, I was once again Eastern bound.

Air Canada’s mid-October schedule didn’t offer an afternoon Toronto to Fredericton connection.  I wasn’t keen on having a six hour plus layover that got me to my destination at midnight, so I decided to fly red-eye.

I hadn’t flown red-eye in over a decade, and I was quickly reminded why.
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