Screenplay Thursdays

Screenplay Thursday #11

If the bike represents Paul, and Newton is the one who enables Paul to move forward, then Newton must be a wheel.  I began to wonder what would happen if Paul’s metaphorical “wheel” (Newton) also disappeared?

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Screamplay Thursday #9

ARRRGGHHH.  I think I may have killed it.   And not in the good way.

In an attempt to make Newton less of a cookie cutter buddy, I’ve completely rewritten his character.  Which meant rewrites to Paul’s dialogue.  I guess the good news is that it is three pages shorter.

Start on page two of the script, I’ve made changes throughout, although some of it is still familiar.

The Wheel – Draft 5

Screenplay Thursday #8

Here ya go – freshly tweaked throughout –  The Wheel – Draft Four.

As an added bonus – dedicated to my peer group for suggesting the alternate second-to-last scene, which surprisingly I think a prefer –  The Wheel – Draft Four Alternate Ending.

Suggestions?  Comments?  Which pre-ending do you like:  the scene between Kali and Paul, or the one with Kali and Newton?

What’s Better Than Nothing?

Last week’s partial third draft of The Wheel, that’s what (which, really, because of th re-write, is more like a first draft in places).

The Wheel Oct. 30

The fully completed third draft will be posted this week on Thursday.

Screenplay Thursday #6

Last Friday, the second draft of The Wheel was workshopped in my scriptwriting class.  Which was great, really.  Lots of fabulous ideas and suggestions bandied about.  Except…well, let me put it to you this way:
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