The Pros & Cons of Cutting Your Own Hair

Out of necessity (a combination of being unable to find a decent stylist for my hair type and having an emaciated wallet) I have been cutting my own hair for several years.

Personally, I think everyone should try cutting their own hair at least once in their lives. I don’t mean just trimming your fringe – I’m talkin’ about a real haircut…a complete change of style (or at least an inch off all over). Of course you should have the Appropriate Tools: stylist’s scissors, rat-tailed comb, three-way mirror, a love of adventure coupled with a sense of humour.
If you are sitting on the Cut-My-Own-Hair fence and still need convincing, here are some pros and cons I’ve discovered:

Pros of Cutting Your Own Hair   Cons of Cutting Your Own Hair
1. You know exactly what cut you want.
1. You don’t have the skills to cut exactly what you want.
2. It doesn’t cost you a cent.
2. Might cost you your pride.
3. No waiting weeks for an appointment.
3. Spontaneity leads to some pretty rash decisions.

Oh…and under Optional Equipment an electric hairclipper comes in handy (in case things go terribly awry and you need to shave your head).

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