Artventure: Fredericton, NB Part 2

9 o’clock Tuesday morning found me back at the gallery, smoothing out rough filler patches and applying a coat of paint to 13 plinths.

While the paint dried I busied myself hanging the wall pieces around the perimeter of the space.

I worked left to right starting with May Fly.  Next was Tourist Attraction,  then Wardrobe 1755 followed by Favourite Ways With Pheasant.  I lucked out with Shed – there was a handy hole already drilled into the far end of the brick wall at the appropriate hanging height.  The bonus was the concrete “shelf” at the base of the wall that I draped the skin over.  Perfect.

[You’re probably wondering why I’m not sharing any pictures with you.  This is as good a time as any to admit to you that I have no further pictures from my Fredericton Artventure.  Appalling, but true – I’m as disappointed as you are.  I did most of the install solo and I became very focused.  So focused that I didn’t think to stop and take pictures of the process every once in a while for embellishing future posts.  I’ll do my best to use exceptionally descriptive language.]

As I was putting the finishing touches on FWWP, I was introduced to artist – and Gallery ConneXion volunteer – Sophia Bartholomew.  She had moved to Fredericton from Vancouver six weeks earlier.  We chatted while I worked and made plans to get together late Wednesday afternoon for a bevvie (installation progress pending).

6:00pm rolled around and I debated working longer, then decided to duck out so I could attend a yoga class in the studio that was next door to my B&B.  My body was feeling the affects of the repetitive actions of the past few days (endless up/down arm motions and all those squats while cleaning and painting the plinths).  Stretching and breathing mindfully was good.

I survived the yoga class (labeled as “light” though in reality quite intense), ran back to my B&B to change and then struck out toward downtown Fred with a twenty in my pocket in search of sustenance.

I walked and I walked and I walked.

Everything that looked interesting was closed for the day or pricier than the single bill I had on me (I wasn’t carrying my bank or credit card – yup, I was traveling light).  I went into a restaurant to see if I could get takeout.  I stood at the front waiting for someone to come and seat me.

I waited and I waited and I waited.

I grabbed a menu, scanned through to see if there was something I could eat and then I waited some more.

After ten minutes I gave up and walked back to towards “home”, remembering that Bonnie had said the Irving station across from the B&B sold sandwiches and other quick food.  I ended up buying some microwavable soup, roasted almonds, and a bag of Smartfood cheddar popcorn.

At 9:00pm I was curled up in bed, eating my meager fare and watching South Park.

You don’t always get to choose the dinner of champions…sometimes you have to settle for the dinner of the desperate.

Tomorrow: Fredericton, NB Part 3

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