Show & Tell: Northern Voice Part 4

Yes – we have finally made it to Saturday.  The Official Conference [dun-dun-da-a-a-a].

The conference kicked off with two stellar keynotes.

On Buried Hatchets and Better Tomorrows (Nora Young)

Mostly I just sat back and listened, ‘cuz it was so nice to hear her speak.  The key points I took from Nora’s presentation were that new technology changes culture, and the big change that comes with social media is the transparency of the medium in contrast to mass media.  She used CBC’s Spark as a case in point, explaining that they let the “seams” show, i.e. the end product is not highly polished, some parts of the interviews survive editing, giving it a more real or human tone.

Teh Funny (Rob Cottingham)

The second keynote was so thoroughly enjoyable I didn’t take notes.  I wanted to be fully present, not miss a thing.  Rob is a funny guy.  Not just funny – smart funny.  If you get an opportunity to hear him talk, do yourself a favour and attend.  You’ll laugh.  A lot.

My favourite riff was on the very recent change (since reneged, I believe) to facebook’s agreement that would allow them to own all content posted/uploaded/entered…indefinitely.  “There’s a reason why the button says “submit”.”

Humour is everywhere in social media, and it’s a good thing 😉

Making the Radio Station of the Future on the Web (Steve Pratt)

Wow.  Another great presentation.  Did you know about CBC Radio 3?  Of course you did, you’re more nationally savvy than me.  I’m glad I know about it now.

Steve talked about how, according to traditional radio station’s rules, CBC Radio 3 is doing everything wrong.  Therefore they must be the worst radio station…ever.  They don’t focus in on one type of music.  They don’t cater to any one demographic.  AND they play only new Canadian music, offered through multiple platforms to fit what the audience needs.  It’s a new type of radio station, custom fit for social media.  It’s the little radio station that shouldn’t have been able to, but did.  If you don’t know what it’s all about, check it out.

What?  You want MORE?!  Don’t be greedy.  More will come tomorrow.

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