Sweet Sixteen (+ 23)

How to have a swell birthday:

1. Sleep in.
2. Drink coffee.
3. Receive email notifying of participation in upcoming group show.
4. Take long, leisurely stroll around Seawall with dog.
5. Listen to birthday voice messages.
6. Receive several birthday cards in mail.
7. Initiate Step One in plan to Take Over the World by the Time You Are 40.
8. Rework budget to cut $400.00 from monthly expenses.
9. Meet dear friend on sunny Gastown patio for drinks and appies.
10. Proceed to another dear friend’s home for birthday dinner and drinks.
11. Arrive home to find prezzies bought at favourite independent store.
12. Receive birthday messages in inbox.
13. Repeat steps 1 through 12 next year.

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