Too Busy For Musing

Three days of being very social has taken it’s toll on the poor Muse.  Just haven’t been spending the same amount of time in front of the computer. Let me fill you in on what I’ve been up to…

Thursday night was anarchist shmovie night (sushi + movie) at the Kallis Palace.

Friday was “Friendly Friday” swim at the YMCA (trying to negotiate how I can work a Y membership into my budget).

Today was an ivy weave workshop (part of Sharon KallisIvy Project) at the Stanley Park Ecological Society Building. Spool knitting ivy – very cool. Link to pix will come soon. Post workshop I made a quite passable yam soup off the cuff (with plenty of guidance) – this was exciting for me. Lacking confidence in my kitchen abilities (remember carrot cake fiasco of a few days past?) I don’t ever try to cook without a recipe. Tonight ended with a lovely opening at a small cafe. Photography and a live musical performance. I am inspired more than ever now to take my guitar out of its case. I know I’ve said that before…but I really mean it this time.  Really.

Exhausting, but fun.  Lots for the brain to gnaw on.  I have a deeper understanding now – and appreciation – for why dogs love to get outside and sniff about.  Outside stimulus is good.

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