A Day In the Life

It’s late and I’m not motivated to activate my brain.  There…I admit it.  But I’m too stubborn to miss a post.  This here is a filler-post.  All the popular shows are doin’ it.

Here’s what my Monday was like…

07:00 – get up, coffee, breakfast, emails
10:00 – finish research, write budget for possible in-school teaching gig
10:30 – daily hygiene rituals
11:30 – walk Elvis (industrial, bridge, seawall route)
12:30 – eat banana, piece of cheese, glass of milk
13:00 – nap
14:00 – trek up to Sally Ann in search of wearables
16:00 – surface from shopping frenzy with two bags full (yessir, yessir)
16:30 – duck into grocery store on way home, pick up victuals
17:00 – watch back to back episodes of House
19:00 – make dinner
19:30 – phone chat w/friend
20:00 – watch the worst movie ever made…EVER
22:10 – write filler post

Hmm…doesn’t seem to be nearly as much work as there should be in that list.  That’s gotta change.

2 Responses to “A Day In the Life”

  1. jody says:

    No. A movie by M. Night Shymalan would have been several steps up on the crap ladder. The movie I watched, 30 Days of Night, is a vampire flick based on a comic of the same name. Abysmal writing, shameful acting, insulting ending. I really should have turned it off and not wasted my time but it was like a horrific accident and I just couldn’t look away.

  2. Jason says:

    I don’t suppose the movie you watched was by the utter charlatan M. Night Shymalan? ‘Cuz I would tend to agree with you if that was the case. Bluuurckk.
