Construction Production

Summer is almost here.  Like everyone else I’m hankering to be on holiday – to take a break from the routine.

But this doesn’t mean I won’t be working.  Over the next month or two I’ll be taking a break from working IN the studio in order to work ON the studio.

[Technically, I won’t be renovating the studio per se, but seeing as I live in a big, tall rectangle where the only existing walls are those that separate the bathrooms from the remaining living space, the studio seems to creep into all living areas.]

My live/work space has seen many transformations

Most of the transforming has been in the “work” part – the studio.  I’ve put a lot of time and energy into molding my creative den and my work area feels finished…complete.  Outstanding are a few reno’s in the “live” part of the space that I want to wrap up.  Once I tackle them I’ll feel that my space is closer to “done”.

One of the tasks is to tile the entry/bathroom floor

Years ago I covered most of the ground level concrete floor with laminate.  I hated to do it – I love a concrete floor – but being situated above the unheated parking garage made for some incredibly cold feet.  I planned on laying down tiles in the prone-to-wet entry and bath areas, though couldn’t seem to find any I liked.

I was thrilled when I recently came across these tiles, surfaced to look like concrete 🙂

I positioned a few in place to make sure I liked the colour (I had just returned 8 heavy boxes of another brand of “concrete” tile that had too much mauve tone in the grey – I figured asking Andrew to lug 8 more boxes back and forth would be pushing it if I decided the new tiles were the “wrong” colour).

Another task is to build custom cabinets and a pantry

Atop two of my studio tables rests 8 sheets of 3/4″ birch plywood:

There was really nowhere to store it in our meager 1,000 sf, so we decided to hide it in plain sight.  It makes a lovely standing-height table top, though I’ll be glad when the wood is transformed into an over-the-fridge cupboard…

…and a custom super-shallow, hidden pantry in the entry way…

(Our current pantry: 10″ deep without doors.  I’ve always felt a bit gauche having my food stores be the first thing visitors see when they arrive)

As with any venture, the first step is going to be the hardest

All of my loft’s reno’s to date have been DIY, with the generous help of others.  This summer will be no exception.  It’s a bit overwhelming to think of all of the chaos that will be unleashed by having to cut all the lumber to size, move light switches, tear out closets, cutting and laying tiles, etc., etc., etc…

Dwelling on it makes me not even want to begin.

Instead I try to think of how nice it will be to not have all the excess cooking paraphernalia staring at me, and how great it will be for guests to hang their coats in the entry way, not having the slightest idea that behind their garb hide all of our canned and dry goods.

To keep me sane and grounded

During the process, I’ll be punctuating the construction with bursts of playtime in the studio: experimenting with printmaking techniques on upcycled t-shirts.

Success pending, some shirts may even be made available for public consumption [wink].

How about you?  What do your summer plans look like?  Got any big reno’s in your near future?  Feel free to share in the comments.

One Response to “Construction Production”

  1. Lori Lucas says:

    Love it Jody!! We have talked about our places, but lI ove the pics! Must feel refreshing. I love the skinny hidden pantry. We have a tiny hallway full of boxes/papers etc and I have been too lazy to do anything with it. You have insired me! Glad to see you are well. Have a terrific summer 🙂
