L53 Opening Night (Friday – posthumous)
Oh, there is nothing quite like seeing your name stuck to a gallery wall in big vinyl letters…
Opening night was lovely with about 30 folks in attendance by the end of the artist talk. I was too distracted to take photos during the reception and forgot to ask Andrew to do it for me (he flew in on Friday afternoon to be at the talk and opening 🙂 ). Hence, I don’t have any images of Alberta artist Patrick Higgins or his fabulous paintings which opened the same night in the ProjEx Room to share with you. Luckily he has a website and several of the works presented here are part of Prevalent Assembly at L53.
The specialty cocktail of the event was Bonnie Prince Charlie martinis. Tasty, but dangerous – imbibe with discretion!
It was a whirlwind of a week, but wholly satisfying. My heartfelt gratitude goes out to L53’s wonderful staff, their funding agencies and season sponsors, and especially their volunteers. The exhibition would not have been possible without you! Thank you, too, Stephanie Jonnson, for writing such a fine monograph for the exhibit. Extra special thanks goes to April Dean who went above and beyond to make sure I had everything my little heart desired while I was in town installing the work.