Blister in the Sun
By all rights I should be waiting until tomorrow and posting this as a “Show & Tell”, but it will probably heal by then and nobody will believe me that I ever worked this hard…
I cultivated this while mowing the lawn at Fairmont (yes, in the sun). Impressive for a city girl, who, despite her farm roots, has very little experience maneuvering large, gas powered equipment.
I can proudly say that I handled the mower without difficulty. With K’s excellent instruction I even managed to start it by myself several times. The edger, however, was a complete debacle. A combination of the wacker being too heavy, me being too light, it being too long, and me being too short led to some disastrous edge-work. To his credit, K tried to offer advice when I got bogged down, but it was too hot and I was too frustrated. I gave up, leaving the job half-finished.
I hate leaving anything half-finished.
Consider this my public declaration of a rematch, Mr. Wacker. Three weeks from now: me + you = go time.
[insert training montage accompanied by cheesy instrumental here]
Like I said, you are such a trooper! …and to contemplate coming back, even. You *are* brave 😉