Andrew and I are machete-ing our way through the deep, dark recesses of the reno jungle. I don’t think it could be any more chaotic in the studio – and everywhere else in our unit for that matter!
It’s to be expected. We’re working two different projects concurrently, so things are a little hairy.
No complaints, mind you. I’m kind of in my wheelhouse when I’m juggling several projects at once. The down side is that ALL of my studio tables are, for lack of a better term, OCCUPIED.

Our Lee Valley goody bags – stacked to the max with pantry hardware, fittings, and a special jig for drilling holes for adjustable height shelves.
As well as every surface being utilized, we have a few extra items populating the studio vicinity:

A rolling clothing rack sporting the contents of our front hall closet (which I had to dismantle in preparation for tiling).
The all-encompassing chaos means I didn’t have room (both physically and mentally) for studio play last week.
[insert bottom lip stuck out here]
The bright side? This weekend we’ll be working at a fever pitch and at the end of it we’ll have completed the tiling project and have installed the first part of the pantry which will free up a bit of space. Realistically I’m still a week or two away from finishing the remaining pantry units and being able to claim my studio back fully.
I can do it.
Just gotta go and immerse myself in the jungle for a wee bit longer. 🙂
How do you work best? Multitasking in complete chaos? Or working on one task at a time to completion before moving on to the next?