Posts Tagged: new york city artists corps hack

While the Anvil’s Hot (Serious Self Promotion)

Every once in a while circumstances align and you’re presented with an opportunity that pushes you to the outer limits of your comfort zone.

You debate with yourself whether or not to leap into the unknown. The amateur part of your brain tries to search for excuses to NOT take advantage of the opportunity:

  • The timing could be better.
  • It requires money and physical effort.
  • It requires too much time to coordinate.
  • What if my idea fails?

The part of your brain that knows you’re a professional counter-argues:

  • The timing will never be better.
  • You have to invest to get a return.
  • Opportunities like this are few and far between.
  • What if my idea succeeds?

In October I had the opportunity to take a leap of faith.

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