The Day Of

I had a fit-full sleep last night – damn nerves.

The monotony of lying in bed waiting for night to pass into morning was broken by a lovely symphony of snores from An-David-Drew, featuring solos by each and some nice duet action.  The snoring wasn’t contributing to my sleeplessness, but I will admit to being envious at the speed in which both of them drifted off.

We took advantage of the complementary continental breakfast, which was more impressive than expected.  Then we distracted me from my anxiety by taking a stroll along the sea walk, dancing dangerously on large, unstable logs…

Jody and Andrew on Log

David Dancing on Log

and checking out the driftwood carvings that line the route…

Pose with Gnome

Creepy Pig Carving

(photos courtesy of Andrew Parker’s iPhone)

The walk was timed perfectly.  Just enough minutes to get dressed, gather my laptop, examples of work, and change of clothes for teardown before it we needed to leave for the gallery.  No excess time for nervous pacing.  I had packed my camera, but in my distraction forgot to give it to someone.  Luckily Andrew had his and David snapped a few pre-and-during-talk pics:

Pre Talk

Pre Talk 2

Yup, that’s CRTV recording the talk – I got to wear the little black box/mic and everything. There will be an edited version of the talk coming to me soon. Hopefully I’ll have figured out how to imbed movies into the blog by then.

Talk 2

About 15 enthusiastic people came for the talk.  A nice size, and more than I expected being a non-local artist.  One of the attendees told me she heard my interview on CBC, then visited the gallery to see the show, and then came back for my talk.  Yay CBC!

After a quick post-talk lunch with Linda Layne (thanks for making the trip up, girlie!) Andrew, David, and I made short work of the teardown with help from gallery volunteer, Richard. The work was packed into Andrew’s car and we left the gallery at 3:30pm.

[sigh – relief settling in]

The remainder of the day was filled with undistracted socializing with the road crew: beer, swim, sauna, hot tub, meeting Linda and her man at the chalet pub for drinks, dinner at a Thai restaurant. Pretty civilized, really.

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