What Was She Doing?

Here’s a reasonably accurate account of what was happening in my life during the Great Blog Darkness of 2009…

Job Interviews

Walking Elvis

Dog Sitting for Neighbours

Starting a New Part-time Part-time Job

Reveling in a Social Lifestyle

Smooshie Thursdays (sushi + movie)


Prepping/Teaching a Mask Workshop for 24 Grade 3 Students

Studio Driven Guilt and Self-Loathing

Starting a Second Part-time Part-time Job

Hanging With Some Stellar Folk

Trying to Find a Cocktail My Body Can Tolerate

Working in the Means of Production Garden

Volunteer Labour for a Fellow Artist

Sunday Morning Art Tutor

Renovating My Summer Wardrobe

Getting My First Rejection Letter of the Year, and

Generally Putting One Foot in Front of the Other

No, I didn’t forget to list “Making Art”. While I have been getting into the studio lately, there hasn’t been much of my own practice being practiced.

Which – after much Guilt and Self-Loathing (see above) – I’ve decided is OK.

I’m ruminating.



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