Will Work for Food
Well, food and booze, anyway.
Several bodies within my circle of friends are involved in big projects with strict deadlines that require lots o’ elbow grease. I have been offering myself as a manual labour grunt. For my efforts I am rewarded with food and beverages. Tonight I helped dear friend and fellow artist Sharon Kallis process stinging nettle for a work in progress. A meditative slicing and scraping tempered by pre-work beer and post-work grilled prawns and peaches among cherished companions.
Tomorrow I travel by ferry to room and board in lovely Roberts Creek – a block from the sea and just a short drive to heavenly hikes in the forest. Oh, and I get to hang for an extended amount of time with two of my favourite people, two of my favourite dogs, and two of my favourite cats.
Damn nice trade-off for whatever tasks my hosts have waiting for me.