Uhh…ready for my close-up?

Much of today was spent trying to complete administrative stuff for my 2009 solo show at the Campbell River Art Gallery. A huge portion of time and energy was devoted to photographing images of me with the work.

I wanted an image that captured the essence of my personality while presenting a professional demeanor. Steve took 221 pictures before I surrendered. Many of the pix did in fact capture pure, unedited Jody – but that doesn’t mean any of them should ever be used for promotional purposes. Let’s say most were lacking a certain “professionalism.” Here are a few of the rejects:


Reject 1
Reject 2

Reject 3

Reject 5

Reject 4

The camera and I just weren’t feelin’ the love.

One Response to “Uhh…ready for my close-up?”

  1. Tzaddi says:

    If these are the rejects, I think the ones that made the cut must be pretty darn good!
