Dogs Days of Christmas

In an attempt to rectify my unseasonal seasonal mood, Elvis – my 8 year old staffy-pitty pound puppy – has rewritten some well-known Christmas carols.
Tonight’s carol is his take on Good King Wenceslas.

Good King (When He Sits)

Good King (when he sits)
He looked down
From the stairs at Stephen
When he heard from
Down below
Sumpthin’ being eaten
Though Steve hid it ‘hind
His back
Elvis is no foo-ol
Down the stairs two at a time
Mouth filling with droo-oo-ol.

One Response to “Dogs Days of Christmas”

  1. […] familiar with Elvis – my dog – and his penchant for Christmas carols (see past posts Dog Days of Christmas, Sirius About Christmas, Elvis’ White Christmas, and Bark […]
