Hee Hee Hee
Tzaddi is constantly sending me links to the most amazing things…
Her most recent offering – Gorgeous Tiny Chicken Machine Show – is a true jewel. I’ve watched all the episodes I can find. I recommend episode #2, episode #5, and episode #9.
I’m not sure how Tzaddi manages to get so much work done and yet find the time to sift through all the cyber-junk to find such shiny bits. I am beginning to suspect she is part ‘borg, firewiring herself to her computer at night so she can dream-scan online.
Thank you, Tzaddi, for continuing to remind me that there is more creative good than conservative evil in the world!
Part ‘borg, that would be cool! I wonder if that could make me a good housewife?!
Nah, mostly I find this stuff in my RSS feeds from other bloggers. But I caught this one thanks to Darren Barefoot, who posted it on twitter.
Glad you liked it. I’ll have to make time to look at your recommended episodes.