Retro San Fran (April 23)

Awoke to a beautiful day and this view out our hotel window:


Wrestled with a nasty headache (hangover? Nah…I blame the stress of flying). Jen wants to check out Berkeley to get a sense of where she needs to be for the Dance Under Construction conference she is presenting at later this week.

Berkeley is beautiful, if a little quirky (I refer to the strange practice of restaurants/eateries on one of the main drags not offering access to bathrooms – nope…not even for customers). We hightail it to the University.


I have no recollection of what faculty building is in the background, but we took advantage of their restroom facilities and were very grateful 🙂

Once we determined where we’d need to be on Friday, I dragged Jen through the Berkeley Art Museum. I’d done my research online and I really wanted to check out this work by Mexican-born, San Franciscan-based artist Enrique Chagoya:

Enrique Chagoya

I’m still gaga. I bought the catalogue, but experiencing a wee photo when the real thing is 5 feet by 5 feet just doesn’t do the work justice. Still, I highly recommend checking out the above link to his work (additional work presented under “exhibitions”). If his work comes to a town near you, you must go. I demand it.

For the truly inspired, the show is on at Berkeley Art Museum until May 18. In my opinion it’s a damn good excuse to fly to San Francisco.

One Response to “Retro San Fran (April 23)”

  1. Tzaddi says:

    Glad to see some travel notes!

    Wow, some of Enrique’s work is really powerful. Thanks.
