Show & Tell # 8
I read this on Monday. I knew it would be this week’s Show & Tell. I could hardly wait to share it with you…
I found it in a box outside the front door of a small church thrift store in Marpole. The sign on the box said “FREE” – what it should have read was “PRICELESS”.
I felt compelled to take it home with me for, um…you know…research purposes – art related, of course.
Like most of the potential resource material I collect, it sat on my bookshelf for over a year before I even looked at it. After reading it I wish I hadn’t waited so long. I thought I should share some of the golden advice I found within.
The book opens with some anonymous “first kiss” stories:
Followed by a chapter on flirting:
Suggestions for after you’ve got special gal/guy’s attention:
There is even a chapter on kissing situations and how they might hypothetically play out – from both the guy and gal’s point of view. Here’s one of the gal’s:
In conclusion…
Damn. You know, I think that if I could be the person that makes things like parties and good times happen I would finally feel fulfilled.
Betcha wish you had your own copy.