Daily Muse

Hair Piece

For several years Steve has been talking about getting his chest waxed.
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Optimism Schmoptimism

For someone who is naturally inclined (either by nurture or nature) to see the glass as half empty, it can be an ongoing struggle to re-frame your position to view the glass as half full.
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The Pros & Cons of Cutting Your Own Hair

Out of necessity (a combination of being unable to find a decent stylist for my hair type and having an emaciated wallet) I have been cutting my own hair for several years.
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The Benefits of Being Sidewardly Mobile

Seems like everyone’s goal in life is to “get ahead” – I’m no exception. Instead of achieving this on a task by task basis (i.e. complete school, then form familial unit, then forward career, then pay down mortgage) I’m going for it all concurrently. The ultimate multi-task.
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What’s In A Name

Emily Carr Institute’s recent “upgrade” to university status – and concomitant name change – is the fourth identity morph for the school since I began my journey towards BFA accreditation in 1992.
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I’m so disappointed…

…in myself. I couldn’t even make it one day without forgetting I was supposed to post a daily muse. Tsk. Tsk.
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Daily Muse

So…I have this brilliant plan to force myself to write at least a little bit every day: create a blog category and officially announce that I will be adding to it daily. How could I destroy the expectations of the 10’s of readers that regularly visit my site by not living up to my obligation of a daily post? What could be better motivation than than?
Oh…have I mentioned that my mother was raised Catholic?

PS – this counts as today’s post.

I’m A BiPolar Bear

BiPolar Bear


The onset of winter always makes me feel mean and sluggish.

I find myself thinking about hibernation.

A lot.

I wish it was an option for humans:

Hibernation from November to March?

c YES c NO

I could sleep through the darkest months…and my darkest moods (sigh).


With little more than a week left of the Calgary show I have only been able to dredge up this tidbit of promo…
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Dear Chapters…

While meandering through your aisles – as I oft do on a Sunday afternoon – I was dismayed, nay, DISGRUNTLED, to come upon an island of books categorized as “Chick Lit”.
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What Regina had to say about Slim Shady…

Here’s a sampling of comments from the Fifth Parallel Gallery exhibit. Names have been omitted to protect the innocent (and people’s mothers who don’t know that their progeny has sailor-mouth).
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Mourning the Death of Sony

Well, not ALL Sony’s, the death of Sony in general would be too much to ask.
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